Jonathan Gin

exploring Origami Owl

November Force For Good® “We Remember” Plate + Charm Gift Set

2018-11-01 Jonathan Ginforce for good

November Force For Good - Veterans and Military Families

Many of us have a friend or loved one who has fought for our freedom and risked their lives for our country.

During the month of November, Military Family Appreciation Month, we want to recognize and give thanks to our service members and their families for their significant contributions and sacrifices.

In support of National Veterans and Military Families Month in the U.S., and in honor of Remembrance Day in Canada, Origami Owl® is proud to give $5 from each “We Remember” Plate and Poppy Charm Gift Set purchased in the month of November to Operation Homefront in the U.S. and True Patriot Love in Canada. These organizations are dedicated to helping support military and veteran families. The Poppy Flower Charm represents and commemorates the servicemen and women who died during combat who we will always remember.

Retail Price: $16 USD | $20 CAD Retail Value: $16 USD | $20 CAD

We Remember Plate + Charm Includes:

  • Poppy Flower Charm – Exclusive!
  • Large Gold “We Remember” Plate – Exclusive!

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O2Explorer - Exploring Origami Owl with Jonathan Gin

Jonathan Gin is one half of Team Gin. Together with is wife, they represent a wealth of different experiences and knowledge within the O2 world. Although their expertise may differ, they believe that everyone should feel a part of the O2 family and follow the 10 Core Origami Owl Values. Reach out and explore Origami Owl with us. Find Me On Facebook or shop our Origami Owl Store.